Thursday, September 04, 2008

Air testing

Ah a little undeserved press. I am one of the scientist referred to from the health dept and in the news clip you can just make out my fat head before Stan and myself scurry away from the reporters.


BurdockBoy said...

So do you work for the health department or with them. Just curious. My most recent job is a for Environmental Health, but it's starting to wear on me. I have to be the bad guy so much any more. I'm sick of getting yelled at. I think I want to go back into working at the library where most people are happy.

Maggie said...

Funny I have always wanted to work in the library, but to answer your question, Yes, I work for the health department and have for seven years. It can wear on you but my savior is that my program, Indoor Air Quality, is small and unregulated. It is also fee based and as such the clientelle i deal with are for the most part only interested in improving things. I was an inspector prior to this and that job required a real tough skin.

BurdockBoy said...

I wish we had indoor air here but Idaho is very underfunded. They just gave us the option to work voluntary 32 hour work weeks. I wish I could afford it. I have to take my test this winter because I'll have 2 years experience. I've heard it's hard.

Maggie said...

are you talking the RS? Will you be a registered sanitarian? It is tough unless you work directly with all of the programs. I am going a little different direction and hopefully getting my CIH. I have my CIHT now but am stalling at that crossroads. Good luck.

BurdockBoy said...

Yeah I want to attempt the RS. Here in Idaho (oregon too) a EHS 1 is "in training" which means they haven't passed the NEHA test yet. Once I pass and have my two years experience I become a EHS 2. I've worked a few of the programs through internships (food, lodging, sewage, PWS, and touched on pools). I also did a lot with disease stuff through my microbiology work. It sucks though because I almost want to quit everything and go back to school for library work or teaching. I'm so unsettling.

Maggie said...

I feel like I am talking to my image in a mirror. One day I am studying for my RS or CIH because that is the field I am in and the next I am scheduling my GRE's so i can get my masters in Environmental Science. If your not unsettled than you are compromising.