Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can you guess where our summer Vacation started? If you guessed England you would be sooooooo wrong. What you are viewing is not Stonehenge , but Foamhenge!!! Only a Murphy clan could find a true to size replica of Stonehenge made of none other than Styrofoam. From an environmentalism point of view it is one big non-biodegradable eye sore but who could honestly see this monstrosity sitting on top of a hill next to a cow pasture and not stop to inspect. Where can you ogle this modern day marvel you ask? None other than Natural Bridge VA. Actually the Natural Bridge is a magnificent sight and one of the seven natural wonders not to be out done by the numerous side shows that popped up In an otherwise rural setting. Well it is mercury again in the news. A student in Sarasota Florida brought the heavy metal into school.

They are keeping the school closed to determine the extent and toxicity of the mercury. and in the same vein.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics
Thank Mag