Monday, January 08, 2007

Old Habbit versus New Puppy

Well Cosmo, our newly adopted golden retriever pup seems to be bringing the Binky habit to an end. What you are seeing are the last two known Binks, (any newly found under the bed or behind the dresser binks will be promptly discarded). Will a toddler still try and use a pacifier after it has been chewed by a six month old pup? The answer is yes!! They were sanitized but still prove a bit uncomfortable to the user so they no longer keep them in. Who needs a binky fairy when you have a teething pup?

Remember my beautiful and gentle giant Bob the Bear? Well now he is Bob the bare!!!
In the name of comfort and freedom from the never ending hair balls that are so big you jump when you catch one out of the corner of your eye, Daddy trimmed down our beloved beast. It may look undignified but he is very happy .

The squish's keep saying, "he's so tiny now", need I remind them that minus his overcoat he is still a good 130lbs of love.

Folks take the time and visit Laura at Somewhere in NJ. She is presently hosting The Good Planet show which is a beautiful collection of submitted photos. Some of those snapshots are so incredible. It's much like a festival in that it has several host. A lot of work went into it so please meander by and lend your support.

My final exam took a better part of the day but Hail the Holy Gods of pity I have put The Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene behind me. So I share much banter and no bones unlike most Mondays that are usually all 'bout bones.

Lastly I leave you with the breath.
The Columbus Dispatch. has a good IAQ article for those of you who do not live in a subtropical climate. True cabin fever.


LauraHinNJ said...

I started out reading that article you linked to and then decided to leave it for another time - too close to home! The office I work in has the worst air quality and no ventilation - just awful. In the winter it's 80 degrees and 50 in the summer.

I would not recognize your dog without his hair - my goodness! I love big dogs like that, but can't imagine how awful the shedding must be to deal with. My Lab sheds a lot, but he has pretty short hair.

Maggie said...

you know I work for the Health Department in Indoor Air Quality and I too have the same problem at work!!!

Anonymous said...

Maggie, tell me your cats have been spared any new do's!!!

Anonymous said...

oh and bob looks much more comfortable.