Friday, June 13, 2008


I was going to do a fair is fair post and slap some pictures of my perfect little Popeye but I found this one a bit more amusing. this is my expose on the magic of static and four year olds. All you need is one corkscrew slide and a four year old in my case two and the wonders of static can entertain for at least an hour. Did I mention the the grounding monsters chased me all over the playground....they thought the shock was the funniest part.


Phelan said...


Unknown said...

I love it. I wish I could have seen them chasing you around.

Maggie said...

I believe that static shocks hurt alot more when you pass 30:)

Unknown said...

It is hard to think of you as 30 or more. I can see you as a little girl signing songs and asking many question.